"Forensic Accounting - Discovery" is an educational product by Crux Apps, founded by Safa Egilmez, Ronald Kita and Robert Equals for the determination of litigation economic damages as to civil legal case damages. Our focus is the presentation of evidentiary data required for economists to analyze, determine, and calculate lost earnings, lost income and lost wages, traditionaly classified as damages in our CA Superior and US Federal courts.
Disclaimer: Any resources accessed, or adopted or other material displayed on this Apple App is provided to you for general informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to ensure that legal briefs, analyses, pleadings, and litigation records comply with all applicable laws. We make no representation or warranty, express or implied, that our advice will place you in compliance with the law; that your court filings are satisfactory; that jury instructions are appropriate, or that the information provided is complete, free from errors or timely. Furthermore, we make no commitment, and have no duty, to update the contents provided and we reserve the right to add, modify or delete any information displayed or referenced within this Apple application at any time, with no notice to you. We are not liable for any damages – whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other – resulting from the use or misuse of this information. You are not entitled to rely upon this information, and you may not delegate any of your legal responsibilities to us.